

I’ve literally been coding all day, ecountering bugs here and there. Well, what am I working on? There is a hackathon, HarmonyOneNaija DAO hackathon to be specific, and we are asked to build a product using the HarmonyOne Blockchain. It’s been really tough for me as I am a python developer and the has refused to install nor work properly on my PC. So I moved to working with javascript and also encountered the same issue with web3.js (I guess web3 isn’t for me).

However, I watched a youtube video where the guy made comparisons between web3.js and ethers.js and my takeaway was “Ethers.js is lightweight and has less dependencies”. This simply means that ethers.js would work properly on my PC with no issues. And keep in mind these issues aren’t because my PC doesn’t meet certain requirements, I mean I’ve got a “dell Inspiron 15, 12gb Ram, 1TB ROM”, those aren’t mad specs buh they should be able to run these libraries with no stress. Besides, andriod studio would run on my PC without doubt, LOL.

Finally! ethers.js works and I’ve been able to connect metamask with my current code, at least there is progress. The hackathon is due in 4 days from now and all I have is my code showing my wallet address after connection. Bro my mates are probably building a smartchain or an exchange off of harmonyone, I’m far left behind. Keep in mind I have even started working with the frontend, even if it was stated not to worry about designs. I just can’t present a projects with just bare html, css, and JS, we aren’t in the ’90s where they served only static pages (web1.0). It’s literally web3.0, Arrggggghhhh.

Well, I’m learning and building with ethers.js, react.js, node.js and express.js all at the same time and I’d probably need to learn a frontend framework for my projects, maybe chakreui. On God!

It’s 10:11PM and I am so stressed out and having headachs (code-achs). I need to rest! Goodnight.