
I am back bitches!

It’s been a while since my last post, and I think this is because I’ve been really selective on what I put on here. Well, I had an epiphany that this is literally my blog. It’s mine, It’s my space, and I’m always welcome to put and pore out whatever comes to my mind and not giving a fuck what anyone thinks. It’s not twitter where I might have to tweet to peoples expectations (which I don’t) or tweeting to gain some social status or shit like that.

Besides that, when I created this blog it was really to just document my projects but in the past weeks I’ve literally read a lot of blogs by technical people and really love how they wrote and documented their experiences in not just programming but life itself.

However, I think memories can be kept when you write and not just taking pictures of moments but [clicking your keys to whatever note you mind feels is right]. We grow everyday, which means we gain new experiences and things happen and affects the way we think, I’d really love to come back to my blogs and read them over and over and see how my thinking has changed over time.