
My divorce contract is smart

Few months into solidity, I’d walk you through my divorce smart contract. The contract simply needs both parties to agree on how the money in the contract would be shared when both parties have signed on the divorce.

Firstly, to initialize the contract we’d need two addresses, the husband’s and wife’s address and the percentage the wife would take whey they agree to split.

constructor (
    address payable _husbandAddress, 
    address payable _wifeAddress, 
    uint _wifeCut
) payable 		
    require((_husbandAddress != address(0)) && (_wifeAddress != address(0)));
    require(_wifeCut < 100);

    emit InitiatedContract(_husbandAddress, _wifeAddress, _wifeCut);

    husbandAddress = _husbandAddress;
    wifeAddress = _wifeAddress;
    wifeCut = _wifeCut;
    balance = msg.value;
    state = State.Initiated;

Spliting the money, when they decide to divorce based in the agreed percentages.

Firstly, we’d need to divide the percentages using _getPercentages.

function _getPercentages() private view returns (uint, uint) {
    uint si = address(this).balance.mul(wifeCut).div(100);
    return (si, address(this).balance - si);

…and then sending their value if percentages respectively. Note this funtion would throw an error if the divorce contract has be settled. Hence the modifier onlyState(State.Initiated)

function splitBalance() external onlyOwner onlyState(State.Initiated) {
    emit Split(msg.sender);
    (uint wifeAmount, uint husbandAmount) = _getPercentages();

    state = State.Inactive;
    emit ContractFinalized();

full code here