
Wise man with bits for configuration

Been working on @spotlyt for a while now and you an join the waitlist here. So @spotlyt is a hosted search service and basically users would want different form of configurations for their search and there is need for a cheap and efficient way to store these configurations.

If you’re familia with bit-wise operations you’d realize that you can easily come up with a efficient and cheap solution, here is a basic solution for the configurations.

Firstly, bits are assigned to these config parameters like so…

# - python 

SYNONYMS = 0x0001             # 00001 or 1
STEM_TOKENS = 0x0002          # 00010 or 2
REMOVE_STOPWORDS = 0x0004     # 00100 or 4
SPELL_CHECK = 0x0008          # 01000 or 8

…and here is what the configuration would look like when submitted through the API.

# json

    'synonyms': <boolean>,
    'stem_tokens': <boolean>,
    'remove_stopwords': <boolean>,
    'spell_check': <boolean>

So, you need a function that converts these configs to an integer representation. This is what the conversion function would look like.

# - python 

def from_JSON(data):
    config =  0x0000

    if data['synonyms']:
        config |= SYNONYMS

    if data['stem_tokens']:
        config |= STEM_TOKENS

    if data['remove_stopwords']:
        config |= REMOVE_STOPWORDS

    if data['spell_check']:
        config |= SPELL_CHECK

    return config

This way we can easily store the configurations in a single 32bit integer. In many cases people sometime store these configuration in serialized data forms i.e using pickle which is still great. Also, we’d need a way to convert the integer back to JSON (or dictionary).

# - python 

def from_int(data: int):

    config_dict = {
        'synonyms': False,
        'stem_tokens': False,
        'remove_stopwords': False,
        'spell_check': False

    if data & SYNONYMS:
        config_dict["synonyms"] = True
    if data & STEM_TOKENS:
        config_dict["stem_tokens"] = True
    if data & REMOVE_STOPWORDS:
        config_dict["remove_stopwords"] = True
    if data & SPELL_CHECK:
        config_dict["spell_check"] = True
    return config_dict

Currently, we have a working configuration routine. So testing these functions, here is what it’d look like.

# - python 

data = {
    'synonyms': False,
    'stem_tokens': False,
    'remove_stopwords': True,
    'spell_check': True

int_config = from_json(data) # 12

assert data == from_int(int_config)